Welcome to the Barnabas Papers

Words that build, words that strengthen,
Words that challenge, words that inspire,
Words to transform, words of promise,
Words of peace, words of joy,
Words of life. Words of wonder.
Words of power.
Words are power.
Use yours well.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vantage Point - New Perspectives

Hey!!! It's been like way too long since I posted anything new on my blog! So here I am, after a week of fantastic Action!!! Action 2008 at the Celebration Centre. It was awesome! But what is even more awesome is what we got out of it! Or at least what I got out of it. I have got a new perspective. You see, this year is my year of change. God whispered that to me at the end of last year. And what a year it has already been! How many of you know that when you start to see things differently, a lot of things change: that opportunity that before looked so juicy and tempting, suddenly bares its ugly teeth and bad breath...or, that snug, cushy little box you've grown used to, where there are no challenges or discomforts - that cushy little joint starts to lose its lustre, and suddenly you find yourself longing for more... You grow dissatisfied with the state of your existence, you become uncomfortable with your own mediocrity.... You've suddenly had it with living on the lower tier of life, receiving only what the world can spare to give you, or what it has left over. You've grown weary of living your life like a spare wheel... it reminds me of something I read yesterday, 'never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option'.

Well I'm seeing my life a lot different now. I'm shaking off some bad habits and bad thought patterns, though it has not been nearly as easy as it sounds. The thing is, there are things we have been doing and thoughts we have been thinking for years that are actually holding us back. Like, you want to be great, you know you are gifted and talented, and that you have something to give, yet it seems that every time you put your hand to something you get to a point where you talk yourself out of it, or you start beating yourself up if you make a mistake or when you meet a challenge. Or else you ask yourself, as Marianne Williamson put it, "who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?" Who are you to want to be great? Who are you to dare to live your dream, to believe in it and in yourself? Who are you to dare to be different?

You know what I love most about being a Christian? Yah I know it certainly has its perks, like not going to hell! :-) But you see, what greater hell is there than a life without purpose and without hope? I live with the Living Hope in my heart, the Hope that never fails, never wavers even when I waver and grow weak, it's "Christ in me, the Hope of Glory". You see, the Word of God tells me I am peculiar, that I am in this world but not of it. How much stranger can you get? So if I don't fit in - so what? I wasn't made to fit in but to stand out! And as for my dreams! Well, it's time they stop being just dreams and become something of substance.

A Race Well-Run

And I see myself in a future place

standing heads above the crowd

And I’ll recall a race well-run

in insurmountable odds

I will recall how I stretched myself

how every sinew was called

Out to triumph and held not back

from that which I desired.

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